All posts by Parkinsons Recovery
Fava Bean Tincture Preparation
Can the fava bean tincture be made without alcohol? I get migraines from alcohol and also it is processed in the body as sugar which is contraindicated to Lonnie Herman’s protocol.
What blood test did she say to have before using tinctures from fava beans
Thank you,
I think the tincture can only be made using brandy,  so it crosses the blood brain barrier, but if you put amount needed in a coffee cup and pour boiling water over it….the alcohol evaporates leaving the ldopa in the water. ldopa is water soluble.
Blood test is called G6PD.
Aunt Bean
Fava Bean Tincture
Do you know of anyone that sells the fava bean tincture? My husband was
recently diagnosed with PD. He is not taking any prescription meds as he is
concerned over the side effects and has heard the longer one is on them the
less effective they are.
I don’t  know of anyone who sells the fava bean tincture. It gets harder every year to get enough made for myself. My fall crop….5 lbs of fava beans all died in severe heat and very dry weather. So, being a farmer, we are subject to good conditions and poor. Good crops and possibly no crop. There are companies that sell fava dopamine capsules,  but off hand I can’t  think of company names. You can buy organic dry fava beans that are sprout able and follow the recipe in the download -able booklet for sprouting the beans to eat, and for making fava sprout balls. Another option is to try mucuna puriens. You can purchase  them from many sources. They are also a bean that contain natural ldopa. Eating papaya also helps. Fermented papaya does even more…if you can’t  manage to ferment your own…it can be purchased under the brand FPP . It is a dry powder . I hope this helps and I have answered you questions. God Bless and guide you.
Aunt Bean
Preparation of Fava Beans for Parkinson’s
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
 Ordered five pounds of fava beans online. Now I have separated the beans from the pods and dehydrated the pods. Our questions:
1) Beans: Most are a light green color, others are close to white. Should we try to sprout these beans following your 4-day method, or just cook them via steaming? Does the color of the bean make a difference with respect its ability to sprout?
2) Pods: My plan is to put them in a food processor, chop up, then cover with brandy for a month. My wife wants to put some pods in a Vitamix and mix in some brandy and coconut water and then sip this. She also thought about Vitamixing pods and beans and brandy together. Do you think that will work?
Many thanks,
Carlene and Stan
Grape Seed Extract
Fava Beans Experiment a Success
Fava Bean Sprouts
Hello Aunt Bean.
After some research I’ve decided to grow sprouts from dry fava beans and make a tincture. I think it is better then eating pods every day. For this process I need dry beans, for example from Whole foods. Soak in water 24 hours, plant in soil, grow to 6 inch. If I understand correctly, we can cut off the shoots and they will regrow? ( so it on youtube). Is this correct?
Also, why do we have to dry the shoots in the dehydrator before soaking in brandy for a month? What is the drying time? And is the amount of levodopa greater in the sprouts then the mature pods?
Laura Vish
How to Preserve Fava Beans
If I need to make a tincture out of sprouted beans ( these will be the beans and a little green sprouts coming out of them), do I need to dry them first or mash and cover with brandy. Do sprouted beans have same amount of levadopa. Also is it possible to make powder from pods using dehydrator. My parents have access to fresh fava beans, but it will only
last for the summer. How do I preserve large quantity for the next 9-10Â months?
Fava Bean Tincture
My Dad is currently eating 4 oz of fresh fava beans a day. They store he is buying them will only have them during summer. How can he make it last?
If we are making tincture with pods and brandy ( why only brandy if I may ask), shake it for a month and use liquid. How much of this liquid is equal to the 4 oz he is eating now. He is eating pods and beans. How much pods do I need to last about 9 months? And is it ok to drink alcohol for the rest of
his life?
Also, is there a way to make powder out of pods. The question again how much powder equal to the 4 oz of fresh fava beans.
I couldn’t find any answers to these questions and will appreciate your help
very much.Sincerely,
Dopamine from Fava Bean Plants
Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Question about Fava Beans
Hello. My parents bought fresh fava beans today. They chopped the pods, but
my dad says he can not eat it like that. Is the tincture of pods has the
same amount as the tincture of flowers like Aunt Bean is making? Also, what
can be used instead of brandy. Or alcohol preserves beans.Â