It is August already and the fava beans harvest is over and some new fall planting of seeds are in the ground with one more planting to go August 10th so that I can harvest more tops before winter sets in. This planting will be only for collecting tops as it will not have time to make beans unless 26 degree weather does not come until after December..
My newest kitchen experiment was a success! The perfect pods from the last picking of fava beans were cut up in small pieces into a peanut butter jar with brandy. This was shaken for a month. Strained / let to settle for 24 and then siphoned off and bottled. It seems I need a couple drops less than the fava tops tincture to take care of my PD
Still no researcher to test it so don’t know the amount of
l-dopa per drop. But my response to it is very good. Have used it almost a week now and give it a thumbs up
Aunt Bean.